Visit this web site for
new details as they develope.
This Clearfield County Historical Society is a completely volunteer, non-profit origanization with a single
purpose of preserving the rich
history of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania.
We have no paid staff, but rely soley on memberships and donations from you,
memorials from varied interests and general book salesto fund the upkeep and preservation of our three historical museums:
Kerr House Museum
Alexander Genealogical Research Center
"Bloody Knox" Cabin.
The following genealogical research services are available to our public:
Staff Research- within
Museum Resources(flat $25 fee - preliminary search, one family only)
Staff Research- at
Clearfield County Court House($15 per hour)
Click the specific links for details regarding these options.
We are pleased to be able to provide these selections of family historical research, enabling you to find names, dates and events of those who passed through
Clearfield County in prior times.
Feel free to take advantage of this public service accommodations in regards to your genealogy.