Museum & Carrage House 104 East Pine St. 


Research Center 511 Van Valzah Ave.

 Clearfield, PA. 16830 

'Kerr House' Museum


 'Genealogy Research' Center,

closed for the Winter Season


Facilities we'll re-open in May 2025

Meanwhile,  you can always

enjoy a photo tour !

click on photos for enlargements and descriptions.

'Toggle' for full screen view, or click any photo for slide show of interesting historical aspects and relics of Clearfield County, available through our Museums, Book Store,  and Genealogy Research Center !

'Historical Society', a Center for

History & Learning 

about Clearfield County, PA  .....

We invite you to explore the origins and diversity of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania and its people.


Here you can conduct research, browse our wealth of exhibits and publications, and join us in preserving and understanding our heritage as a diverse and dynamic people throughout the years.


This growing Society, a completely volunteer organization, is dedicated to the preservation of the history and memories of Clearfield County.


Our mission is maintaining and preserving records, elements, data and artifacts regarding Clearfield County's creation, origination, development and the memory of individuals responsible for its proliferation.


You can become involved as a Society Member, a volunteer, a promoter, a researcher, a financial and /or volunteer supporter in keeping the history and lore of Clearfield County alive.


Hopefully, this web presentation will stir your interest to visit our museums, research your ancestors or simply provide information you find significant and interesting!


We can be reached in person, by phone, mail, or our convenient

Contact Form below. ….whichever method you choose.


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Locate us...

Click the tags on this map for our Museum locations ...

you can also 'click' to do a 'KERR HOUSE' DRIVE BY ! 

and a 'Bloody Knox' Cabin DRIVE BY !

This Historical Society and you!

The Clearfield County Historical Society is established for the expressed purpose of preserving the history, memories, artifacts and genealogy of Clearfield County and it's residents.


A non-profit, volunteer society, whose members and leaders are dedicated to maintaining the facts, culture and records of county ancestors who provided the fundamental, economic and detailed structure effecting our presence within Pennsylvania.


This web site and contents are intended to bring you closer to this significant history, giving you opportunities to participate in and with the Society and its future. It is a 'work in progress' as developments occur, resources are discovered and events become scheduled. 


You are invited to be involved in the many facets and efforts necessary to carry out the missions of this Society and the memberships goals!


As you browse the pages of this informational web site, imagine yourself, your ideas, your talents assisting the dedicated volunteers to enjoy our illustrious past.


There are plenty of links, phone numbers, addresses for you to use in making contact to express your particular interests in this regard, don't hesitate.......

     Come as fast as you can to become an involved MEMBER!


Sincerely, the Board, Officers and all Members of this Society group. 


Visit our....FaceBook page, or.... FaceBook Photos

You can download & print this Clearfield County 'WORD SEARCH' puzzle containing major community names in Clearfield County....

Clearfield County Historical Society WORD SEARCH puzzle download & print.
Find all 39 Communities located within Clearfield County !
CCHS Word Search 2022 jpm.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [230.4 KB]

The Kerr House Museum and Genealogy  Research Center...

CLOSED for the  season...see you

in May 2025 ! 

so, JOIN US THRU... 

Write us at...'Clearfield County Historical Society

   511 Van Valzah Ave.
   Clearfield, PA 16830'

Phone: 814-768-7318 for a brief recording... 


click for best

Contact Method

Clearfield County Historical Society MUSEUMS


 104 E. Pine St,

Clearfield, Pa  16830

(Corner Front & E Locust Sts.)



  511 Van Valzah Ave.

  Clearfield, PA  16830

      (official business address)


3. 'BLOODY KNOX' Cabin Museum:

6246 Curwensville - Tyrone Hwy.

Olanta, PA  16863

(Village of Kellytown)


Courtesy guided group tours of our 'Kerr House' Museum can be arranged year round by phoning



Stay updated by visiting this website and our Facebook page.

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© Clearfield County Historical Society