Todd Dixon of Allport, who along with Todd Howe oversees content on the Facebook page, “Clearfield County History Then and Now.”

COMMENTS: "Tonight at the Clearfield County Historical Society dinner the Society awarded myself for preserving the firefighting history in the county. Even though the award was given to me it does represent both Todd Howe and I for the hard work we've put into the page to make it one of the best for our followers. We now have over 2500 members and continue to gain more daily. We want to thank the Historical Society and Julie Huston for the award. We were not expecting this and appreciate it alot."

2024 ... MATT MARIS  presenting:


'A Closer Look at David ("Robber") Lewis'

...from The Progress, Oct. 26, 2024

County Historical Society hosted its 67th annual dinner meeting and awards presentation Thursday evening.


President Bob Eshelman welcomed approximately 100 members, patrons and guests to the event at the Copper Cork Event Center, Clearfield.

Eshelman thanked the board for its work to preserve, protect and promote county history.

“Each and every board member brings a special talent and effort to what the society is trying to accomplish. They all deserve appreciation and praise. We are a team — more like a family,” he said.


Second Vice President Julie Houston presented the society’s annual awards.

“Our yearly awards are given to those who have gone above and beyond with their volunteering efforts to share history. The society’s mission is to maintain, preserve, promote and share the history of Clearfield County. That’s what brings us all here tonight”

The outstanding service to voluntarism award was presented to Steve Banks of LaJose.

Houston said Banks is always willing to pitch in and work on any of the society’s projects.

“He is a jack of all trades and lends his skills to the organization at any time, place, day or event. He is not a member of the board, he just does this from the heart and his love of community.”

Banks was not present to receive the award but Houston said it would be presented at a later day.


One of the heritage awards was presented to brothers, Mark and Greg Selfridge of Olanta, who are known as the Tribe of Two. They have constructed a replica of a Native American village featuring a long house, totems, a canoe and other items using tools and methods that tribe members would have used.

“Not only can you visit their hand-made village but Mark and Greg take their show on the road to local festivals and history events to share and teach about this fascinating time in local history,” Houston said.

Greg Selfridge thanked the society and said, “We do what we can to support local history.”


The other went to Todd Dixon of Allport, who along with Todd Howe oversees content on the Facebook page, “Clearfield County History Then and Now.”

“We are thankful for the time they spend sharing fire-related history of Clearfield County. Todd Dixon has had a lifelong passion for this field of history and we are all thankful that he has this knowledge and willingness to share not only fire history but all history,” Houston explained.

Dixon said, “I take great pride in what we are doing. There is nothing better than being congratulated by your peers.”


The award for exemplary service was given to (Bob) Eshelman. Houston said, “It is hard to put into words how much Bob gives of himself to the society,” she said, noting he stepped up to serve as board president, does physical work to complete projects, is an excellent writer having authored a number of articles for its semi-annual bulletin and is a competent researcher in the society’s William Alexander Research Center.

Eshelman said, “I had no clue this was going to happen but I am very thankful.”


The society’s board is made up of 21 members from various locations throughout Clearfield County who volunteer their time and talents. Six members were appointed or reappointed to three-year terms during the dinner. They are: Cathie Hughes, Scott Kolesar, Cathy Larson, Linda Pollock, Mary Kay Royer and Brent Thomas.


They join, Eshelman, Houston, Chris Watson, Becky Hummel, Pat Pallo, Sharon Aaron, John Warsing, Paula Miller, Nathan Jones, Roger Rorabaugh, Justina Gaylor, Susan Williams, Fred Ralston and Jack Woolridge. Thanks was expressed to Ken Leonard who is stepping down from the board at the close of the year.


Hummel reported on the 2024 season at the Kerr House Museum. Hummel said the museum welcomed 687 visitors during the season. “That number was up from 455 last year. This is an increase of 232 visitors from the previous years. I am hoping next year there will be 1,000 visitors.”

She also thanked the volunteers that serve as hosts and hostesses on Thursdays and Sundays when the museum is open. “Our hosts and hostesses are the lifeblood of the Kerr Museum. We appreciate their dedication.” She said volunteers are needed for the 2025 season. 


Those honored are Rebecca Anderson, Phyllis Bauman, Sue Bell, Earl Buck, Rick Coudriet, Eric Fox, Joyce Graham, Shirley Hatten, Margaret Hermelin, Barb Homer, Bob Homer, Ron Hoover, Pati Howell, Nancy Lanich, Ron Lingle, Lynn McKenzie, Robert OKulski, Linda Pollock, Lady Putt, Rorabaugh, Denny Shaffner, Debbie Thomas, Dr. Donna Tubbs, Sue Wisor and Sue Young.


The program was presented by Matt Maris of Bellefonte, one of the founders of Local Historia. Mara spoke on the robber David Lewis. Mara and Dustin Elder co-author a regular history column in Town & Gown Magazine and produce a television series, “Journeys with Local Historia” which is featured on WPSU.

His program, No Such Confession –A Closer Look at David “Robber” Lewis, demonstrated his belief that Lewis’ published confession in a Carlisle newspaper was false and exaggerated to boost the election campaign its editor who was running for office.


History the Copper Cork!

Attendees gathered for Dinner & Program - 2024

AWARDS - 2024

 2024 Honorees... are Rebecca Anderson, Phyllis Bauman, Sue Bell, Earl Buck, Rick Coudriet, Eric Fox, Joyce Graham, Shirley Hatten, Margaret Hermelin, Barb Homer, Bob Homer, Ron Hoover, Pati Howell, Nancy Lanich, Ron Lingle, Lynn McKenzie, Robert OKulski, Linda Pollock, Lady Putt, Rorabaugh, Denny Shaffner, Debbie Thomas, Dr. Donna Tubbs, Sue Wisor and Sue Young

Historical Society Directors,​ present....

Scenes from 2023 Annual Dinner

hover on photos for text...


The 2023 dinner features a program titled

"Developing the Past - 

CCHS Photo 'Negative' Project"

to be presented by board member, Julie Houston. 

Mrs. Houston will talk about the history of negative project and how this unique experiment has become so wildly popular. 


END  for 2023

Back to 2022, last year's  ANNUAL DINNER MEETING:

A delighful dinner, to meet our volunteers, and enjoy

John Forcey tell his

Historical Research on 1794 in the

Backwoods of Northern Pennsylvania ....!


Clearfield County Historical Society

hosts 65th dinner and awards presentation
Thursday evening, October 20, 2022,

at the 'Copper Cork Event Center', Clearfield.


   Board President Denny Shaffner served as the master of ceremonies. He welcomed nearly 100 patrons, guests and board members to the event. He said the society had not held a dinner since 2019 and he was delighted with the turnout.
   The society recognized two men for their love of local history and their work to educate their communities.

Mike Butler of Clearfield and Rusty Christoff of Houtzdale both display historical photos and items of interest on Facebook pages. Butler’s “I’m from Clearfield County, PA” and Christoff’s “You know you lived in Houtzdale when or if you remember…” have numerous followers. Both were presented a certificate on behalf of the society.   


Members also recognized the volunteers that staffed its museum, The Kerr House, during the 2022 season. Hummel told the number of hosts and hostesses who attended the dinner, “If it weren’t for you, we couldn’t host guests and visitors. Thank you for all the time you have spent volunteering and making the museum a vibrant part of our county.” 

Those honored are Tom Aaron, Janice Aleksavicsh, Becca Anderson, Phyllis Bauman, Sue Bell, Nadine Bressler, Earl Buck, Judy Clark, Eric Fox, Shirley Hatten, Barb Homer, Bob Homer, Cindy Irwin, Karl Leidhecker, Lois Leitzinger, Lynn McKenzie, Linda Pollock, Ann Reid, Wendy Salvatore,

Dr. Donna Tubbs and Sue Young.


   The speaker for the evening was historical researcher John Forcey, of Clearfield, who is writing a book about local land surveys conducted in 1794 in what would become Clearfield County.
  Forcey spoke about a camp that was established by Surveyor Samuel Wallace and the employees under him who were working for the Holland Co. The camp was located near the mouth of Anderson Creek.

Six directors of the Clearfield County Historical Society’s board where reappointed to three year terms at the society’s annual dinner and awards ceremony Thursday. From left are Becky Hummel, Gweneth Fox,

Julie Houston, John Warsing, Bob Eshelman and Paula Miller.



John Forcey of Clearfield, right, was the guest speaker at the Clearfield County Historical Society’s annual dinner and awards ceremony. 

He was welcomed to the event by society President Denny Shaffner.

The Kerr House Museum and Genealogy  Research Center...

CLOSED for the  season...see you

in May 2025 ! 

so, JOIN US THRU... 

Write us at...'Clearfield County Historical Society

   511 Van Valzah Ave.
   Clearfield, PA 16830'

Phone: 814-768-7318 for a brief recording... 


click for best

Contact Method

Clearfield County Historical Society MUSEUMS


 104 E. Pine St,

Clearfield, Pa  16830

(Corner Front & E Locust Sts.)



  511 Van Valzah Ave.

  Clearfield, PA  16830

      (official business address)


3. 'BLOODY KNOX' Cabin Museum:

6246 Curwensville - Tyrone Hwy.

Olanta, PA  16863

(Village of Kellytown)


Courtesy guided group tours of our 'Kerr House' Museum can be arranged year round by phoning



Stay updated by visiting this website and our Facebook page.

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© Clearfield County Historical Society